Keeping Baby Safe @ Bump to Babe – Flying Start NORTH Tuesday 24th April
24/04/2018 @ 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
To Book Please Call or Email Jessica on
01582 548 356 or
The course will look at keeping baby safe in week 3 – this is an intro to new parents on simple tips and advice to ensure your baby is safe in the home and when sleeping plus information on our additional parent-to-be workshop on choosing safe and compliant nursery equipment.
Bump to Babe is antenatal classes to prepare you for the birth of your baby and caring for your newborn. Suitable for mums to be and a partner from 25 weeks pregnant and living in Luton.
The course is facilitated by midwives, health visitors and Children’s Centre early years practitioners and aims to raise the confidence of new ‘parents to be’ regarding the birth of their baby, caring for a new-born and the impact of having a new-born along with information on what is happening in Luton for families both during your pregnancy and following the birth of your baby.
Duration: 2.5 hours x 3 (three week course)
Please call or email to book a place: 01582 548 356 or Jessica.wilson@pre-school.org.uk