Tubes of Life
Tubes of Life is a programme delivered on behalf of Public Health and Safe at Home and is unique to Luton.
Our aim is to support parents-to-be from conception, and new parents in the early months following the birth of baby to ensure that you have the right information to make your OWN CHOICES about you and your baby.
Health professionals including those from midwifery, health visiting and family centres also support the key messages from the programme and are there to offer guidance if and when needed.
Parents-to-be and new parents who live in Luton can learn more about Tubes of Life by attending one of our online Keeping Baby Safe sessions and will receive a complimentary gift bag, please find out more on our Events page or email us at for further details.
We offer a comprehensive Tubes of Life training package to organisations and local authorities, please email us at for further details.
To view our practitioners training video please email us at to receive a link to watch
Tubes of Life focusses on how your baby receives OXYGEN through the umbilical cord (Tube of Life) whilst pregnant, and then through their own airway once born (Tube of Life).
We call these the Tubes of Life as they deliver the life giving OXYGEN that your baby needs for healthy growth and brain development.
What Luton Practitioners are learning:
Health Professionals based in Luton including midwives, health visitors, family centre staff and practitioners who work with pregnant or new parents are attending evidence based training as featured in the Practitioner training video (supported by Public Health Luton).
Having learned the importance of Tubes of Life they can then share these key life-changing and life-saving messages with pregnant and new parents.
Origination Source – ‘Tubes of Life’ adapted from the original work in New Zealand, ‘Through the Tubes’ (2009-), with permission from Stephanie Cowan, Change for our Children (NZ)
Did you know?
Certain scenarios can restrict an adequate OXYGEN supply from getting to your baby.
“I didn’t know that my new-born baby only breathes through her nose, but now that I am aware I can ensure that nothing covers her little nose”
“Really informative information that helped me as a pregnant parent understand how to keep my precious baby safe”
“Loved the tube, great visual demonstration to show how my baby would receive less oxygen and how that would affect the brain”
“We had no idea that breast milk is easier for baby to digest than formula milk therefore a breastfed baby may want to feed more frequently and this is actually protective and nature’s way of keeping baby safe”
“ I already knew about the health benefits of breast feeding but I am more aware of how important breast milk is and why babies need feeding little and often in the early months and how this protects against SIDS”
“Wow what a shock to learn that sleeping in car seat and bouncing chair for prolonged periods can affect my baby’s brain, I shall definitely lay my baby flat to sleep”